We wouldn't be who we are today without our dedicated partners. Thank you to all of our generous sponsors and supporters.
When the Millennium Campus Network began in dorm rooms at Brandeis University in 2007, the organization lacked funding and credibility. After two years of movement-building, the MCN received a grant from the United Nations’ Millennium Campaign, thanks to support from current MCN Advisor Anita Sharma. One year later, the MCN received a second major grant and donated office space in Boston’s Prudential Center from The Jenzabar Foundation.
We would like to show our sincere appreciation for each of our MCN Global Leaders: all those extraordinary philanthropists who contributed $1,000 or more during our first six years of existence. We will update this page each year to thank and celebrate our generous donors who continue to make our work possible.
We also offer special thanks to a number of outstanding community leaders who have helped us raise significant funds and external support through our annual events including Dr. Vanessa Kerry and Doris Yaffe.
To inquire about potential partnership, please email Sam Vaghar at svaghar@mcnpartners.org
2014 Sponsors and Partners
The Millennium Campus Network would like to extend a sincere thank-you to the generous organizations who have made our work possible during the 2014 year:
Our Global Sponsors, Lynn University and The Jenzabar Foundation, who have respectively provided the venue and office space to the Millennium Campus Network, as well as a monetary donation of $50,000.
Our National Chairs, the Cordes Foundation and Heney Charitable Trust, who have donated $10,000 to the Millennium Campus Conference 2014.
Our Partner Organization, Campus Compact has donated $5,000 to the Millennium Campus Conference 2014
Our Media Sponsor, The Huffington Post, who will provide press sponsorship during the Millennium Campus Conference 2014
Previous Sponsors
2013 Partner of the Year
Our 2013 Partner of the Year was Microsoft. An industry leader with a longstanding commitment to youth empowerment, Microsoft seeks to fulfill an extraordinary promise to empower 300 million youth over three years through Microsoft YouthSpark and givetoyouth.org. In 2012, Microsoft committed funds and software with a total value of over $50,000. Microsoft’s Akhtar Badshah delivered one of the most popular keynote addresses at Millennium Campus Conference 2012 and presented the 2012 Global Generation Award to Nobel Laureate Leymah Gbowee. Thanks to the support of Badshah and Yvonne Thomas, Microsoft has accelerated MCN efforts and was named as the MCN’s National Partner of the Year,
Gold Sponsors
Our 2013 Gold Sponsor, The United Nations Foundation, and its sister organization, the Better World Campaign, have been deeply supportive of MCN efforts since they first connected in 2010. The sister organizations have provided financial support totaling over $50,000 as well as speakers and support through social media. The UN Foundation’s Anita Sharma serves as an Advisor to The MCN, and other leaders including Kaitlin Barry has also helped to ensure a strong relationship over the years.
Silver Sponsors
Our 2013 Silver Sponsor, Hewlett-Packard (HP) has been a strong supporter and ally for the MCN since 2011. HP has committed significant funding, and HP’s Paul Ellingstad gave a keynote address at Millennium Campus Conference 2011. Ellingstad provided the introduction for MCN Advisor Dr. Paul Farmer at MCC 2012 and has joined the MCN’s Board of Directors.
Our 2013 Silver Sponsor, the Fessenden School has engaged in an innovative partnership with the MCN in 2011 and 2012. The private school in Newton, Massachusetts has hosted an annual basketball shootout each April. The funds raised have propelled MCN’s Student Action Grants Program, providing vital funds for students working on clean water projects in Uganda and El Salvador as well as a community garden in Timor-Leste.
Our 2013 Silver Sponsor, the United Nations' Millennium Campaign, was the first major funder of the Millennium Campus Network. MCN staff began meeting with UN MC in 2006, and after a series of meetings, the MCN received its first $30,000 grant from UN MC in 2009. The funds supported MCN operations and advocacy initiatives (including STAND UP events and petitions), which led to MCN meetings at the White House and with Congressional staff. MCN Advisor Anita Sharma was one of the first major champions of the MCN, and this support enabled MCN to grow significantly over the years.
Global Generation Supporters
Our Global Generation Supporters have provided $10,000+ in financial support to the Millennium Campus Network. These organizations include:
MCJ Amelior Foundation
Semester at Sea
Global Justice Supporters
Our Global Justice Supporters have provided $5,000+ in financial support to the Millennium Campus Network. These organizations and private donors include:
The Department of Plastic & Oral Surgery at Children's Hospital Boston
Jonathan & Margot Davis
Siamac & Carol Vaghar
Doris Yaffe
Anonymous Supporter
Global Impact Sponsors
MCN's Global Impact Sponsors have provided $2,500+ in financial support to the Millennium Campus Network. These organizations and private donors include:
Rasky Baerlein Stretegic Communication
Bob Crowe of Nelson Mullins
MCN's Champions are organizations and individuals who have contributed $1,000+. They are:
Kit Beaudouin
The English Language Center
Lee Chelminiak & Douglas Herberich
Daniel Jick
Justin Kang
Stephen Kay
Doug Plotkin & Andrea Foggle Plotkin
Jonathan Rubinger
Barbara & Malcolm Sherman
Adrian Wong
Choon Woo Ha
Media Sponsors
Our Media Sponsors have partnered with the Millennium Campus for one or more of our events, to publicize our conference and awards weekends, and expand the reach of our organizations. Our media sponsors have included:
The Boston Globe
The Huffington Post
In-Kind Donations
MCN has also received in-kind donations from generous organizations over the past six years. These organizations include:
The Jenzabar Foundation (Office Space 2010-Present)
Pegasus Capital (Office Space 2009-2010)
Mintz-Levin (Pro-Bono Legal Support)